How (and Where) Is Your Fire Extinguisher?


Protecting family and loved ones from danger that can occur in the home is a top concern and a priority for all.

Besides ensuring your home has an adequate number of fire alarms and smoke detectors, that they are placed in appropriate locations, and are in proper working order, there’s another factor involved with protecting members of a household.

It’s fire. A house fire is an unthinkable event, yet one that occurs more often than you might think.

Some of the more common house fires start in the kitchen, often from cooking. A small grease fire can quickly grow and become devastating. Others can ignite from faulty wiring or over-loaded or overworked appliances. Still others are accidents, such as from turning over a kerosene-fired heater or a burning candle. There are many others.

When any of those events occur, being ready for action is vital. Calling the fire department is at the top of the list. Battling even the smallest of fires without help on the way can be deadly.

When a fire does occur, it’s natural to grab the fire extinguisher. But… where is it? Why not do a simple test. As you read this, ask those in the home right now if they know where the fire extinguisher is located. You might be surprised by the responses. But don’t get mad at anyone. Being unfamiliar with the location of the fire extinguisher is common.

Then there are various types of fire extinguishers. Which one should you have? That’s a question you should ask of your fire-fighting professionals. Not having the proper extinguisher can be as deadly as not having one at all.

So far, this discussion has been about one fire extinguisher. Yet you should have them placed strategically throughout the home, especially areas prone to fire. This could be several extinguishers of various types for a single dwelling.

Finally, everyone in the household needs to know how to operate the extinguisher. According to FEMA, there are four basic steps, that could be remembered with the acronym PASS:

1. Pull the pin and hold the extinguisher away from you and release the locking mechanism.

2. Aim low and point the extinguisher at the base of the fire.

3. Squeeze the lever slowly and evenly.

4. Sweep the nozzle from side-to-side.

Of upmost importance is listening to the experts. Contact your local authorities for the absolute best fire prevention advice.

If the unthinkable happens and a fire does occur in your home…TCM Restoration is ready for action. We can restore your home and belongings. We’re here to help!

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